Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The rearrangement of a woman's Fashion metabolism

My dear little readership,

I'm sorry for haven't posted anything for so long, but currently everything's overturning.
Slowly there are some preparations to be made for the wedding, for my correspondence course I have to be a bit diligent, too and then furthermore there's shopping on my list.
You'll may ask yourself, if the last point is really that important to be mentioned and to engage that much time. And there is just one answer I can tell: Yes, it is!
Someone once told me, that the metabolismof a woman approximately changes over every seven years.
I think, similar to the metabolism the fashion sense of a woman rearranges every few years.
Suddenly you adore clothing you previously only looked at in a suspicious way. And the other way around you start disliking clothes, for which you would have ever raced to the end of the world.
Long preface, short sense: Currently I seem to be tucked into such a process.
I really need new clothes to replace the many things, I have cleaned out.
There are colors that I do not like at me anymore, or even cuts.
I have previously taken mainly colorful pieces, now I more and more choose things from the black-grey-and-white-palette.
In terms of cut, I no longer like it playful and girlish, but rather classic, simple but also extravagant or sculptural.
In a short way, you could say that my taste has grown and matured.
'Cause I already invested a lot of money and time in restructuring my wardrobe the last two weeks, I can show you some first new outfits attached this evening.

Have a wonderful wednesday!


Three new babies in my shoe closet:

Everything by H&M.
Some more outfits will follow.

sources: shoe pictures hm.com

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