Da ich noch immer auf eine Bestellung warte, die ich dringend für meine nächsten "größeren" Projekte benötige, habe ich mir gestern auf Anregung des Blogs "DIY Das mach ich selber" mein neues Paar simpler weißer Stoffschuhe von H & M (9,95 EUR) und einen Nagellack in der Farbe meiner Wahl - die auf eine helles Gelb viel - geschnappt und habe gepinselt was das Zeug hielt!
Sehr schnell und sehr einfach konnte ich die Sommertreterchen so individualisieren.
Wer mag, kann den Rand gern mit Kreppband abkleben, aber man schafft es auch ohne große Anstrengung ohne das Band sauber zu arbeiten.
Ich denke, aufgrund des einfachen Handlings bedarf es keiner weiteren Anleitung.
Das Ergebnis:
nachher |
vorher |
Fastest DIY-project ever!
Since I've started to embellish clothes or to do accessories by myself, my fingers are itching every day and I don' t know what to do first, 'cause my head is exploding owing to the hundreds of ideas.
And since I am still waiting for an order that I urgently need for my next "big" DIY-projects, I caught (in suggestion by the blog "DIY Das mach ich selber" - THANK YOU!) my new pair of simple white canvas shoes from H & M (9.95 EUR) and a nail lacquer in the color of my choice - I chose a bright yellow - and painted for all one's worth!
Very quickly and very easily I individualized the summer shoes.
You can tape over the edge with masking tape, but you don't need to - even I was able to work clean without it.
Because of the easy handling, there is no need of further instruction, I guess.
For the result see below.
And since I am still waiting for an order that I urgently need for my next "big" DIY-projects, I caught (in suggestion by the blog "DIY Das mach ich selber" - THANK YOU!) my new pair of simple white canvas shoes from H & M (9.95 EUR) and a nail lacquer in the color of my choice - I chose a bright yellow - and painted for all one's worth!
Very quickly and very easily I individualized the summer shoes.
You can tape over the edge with masking tape, but you don't need to - even I was able to work clean without it.
Because of the easy handling, there is no need of further instruction, I guess.
For the result see below.
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